A set of wave data generated in an offshore tank is studied. The set of the largest waves in those sea states is studied with respect to steepness, asymmetry, and nonlinearity. It was possible to find some waves that were classified as abnormal or freak according to presently accepted criteria. Their statistics connected to steepness and nonlinearity was determined. Comparison of the nonlinearity as well as statistics of the largest waves in the offshore tank and at sea was performed so as to identify any limitation in reproduction of the properties of large waves in model basins.
Issue Section:
Research Papers
Guedes Soares
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Guedes Soares
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, Cherneva
, Z.
, and Antão
, E.
, 2003, “Characteristics of Abnormal Waves in North Sea Storm Sea States
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0141-1187, 25
, pp. 337
, P.
, 2004, “Distributions of Freak Wave Heights Measured in the North Sea
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, 35
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, Liu
, P. C.
, and Yasuda
, N.
, 2002, “Analysis of Freak Wave Measurements in the Sea of Japan
,” Ocean Eng.
0029-8018, 29
, pp. 1399
, B. V.
, Levin
, B. V.
, Lopatukhin
, L. I.
, Pelinovsky
, E. N.
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, A. V.
, 2004, “A Freak Wave in the Black Sea: Observations and Simulation
,” Doklady Earth Sciences
, 395A
, pp. 438
Guedes Soares
, C.
, Cherneva
, Z.
, and Antão
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, 2004, “Steepness and Asymmetry of the Largest Waves in Storm Sea States
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0029-8018, 31
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, H.
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, 2002, “Dramas of the Sea: Episodic Waves and Their Impact on Offshore Structures
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, pp. 147
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, Cherneva
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by American Society of Mechanical Engineers
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