A new fatigue reliability technique has been developed using a strain-based analysis. A probabilistic strain-life curve, where the variability in cycles to failure at constant strain range has been modeled with a three-parameter Weibull distribution, has been incorporated into the strain-based fatigue analysis. This formulation, which includes a notch strain analysis, rainflow cycle counting and damage accumulation according to Miner’s rule, is used to estimate fatigue life to crack initiation for notched components using smooth specimen laboratory data. Unlike other probabilistic fatigue models, the technique developed here does not include a distribution model for stress peaks such as the commonly-used stationary narrow band Gaussian random process assumption but rather uses strain histories directly. Using this model, techniques have been developed to estimate the number of cycles to failure at a specified reliability and to predict the reliability and failure rate at a specified time in the analysis.
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June 1995
Research Papers
A Strain-Based Fatigue Reliability Analysis Method
J. D. Baldwin,
J. D. Baldwin
School of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering, The University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK 73019
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J. G. Thacker
J. G. Thacker
Department of Mechanical, Aerospace and Nuclear Engineering, The University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA 22903
Search for other works by this author on:
J. D. Baldwin
School of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering, The University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK 73019
J. G. Thacker
Department of Mechanical, Aerospace and Nuclear Engineering, The University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA 22903
J. Mech. Des. Jun 1995, 117(2A): 229-234 (6 pages)
Published Online: June 1, 1995
Article history
December 1, 1993
November 1, 1994
December 11, 2007
Baldwin, J. D., and Thacker, J. G. (June 1, 1995). "A Strain-Based Fatigue Reliability Analysis Method." ASME. J. Mech. Des. June 1995; 117(2A): 229–234. https://doi.org/10.1115/1.2826127
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