In-vitro tissue culture experiments were performed to study the effects of static stress on the mechanical properties of collagen fascicles obtained from the rabbit patellar tendon. After collagen fascicles having the diameter of approximately 300 μm were cultured for 1 and 2 wk under static stress between 0 and 3 MPa, their mechanical properties and crimp morphology were determined using a micro-tensile tester and a light microscope, respectively. The tensile strength and tangent modulus of the fascicles were significantly decreased by culture under no load compared to control fascicles. A statistically significant correlation, which was described by a quadratic curve, was observed between applied stress and tensile strength. The maximum tensile strength (16.7 MPa) was obtained at the applied stress of 1.2 MPa; the strength was within a range of control values. There was a similar correlation between applied stress and tangent modulus, and the modulus was maintained at control level under 1.3 MPa stress. The stress of 1.2 to 1.3 MPa is equivalent to approximately 50 percent of the peak stress developed in the intact rabbit patellar tendon by running. Strain at failure of cultured collagen fascicles was negatively correlated with applied stress, and that at 1.2 to 1.3 MPa stress was almost the same as the control value. Crimp morphology in the fascicles cultured under about 1.2 MPa stress was similar to that in control fascicles. These results indicate that cultured collagen fascicles change the mechanical properties and structure in response to static tensile stress. In addition, their mechanical properties and structure are maintained at control level if the static stress of 50 percent of in-vivo peak stress is applied.
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February 2002
Technical Papers
Effects of Static Stress on the Mechanical Properties of Cultured Collagen Fascicles From the Rabbit Patellar Tendon
Ei Yamamoto,
Ei Yamamoto
Laboratory on Mechanical Behavior of Materials, Department of Mechanical Engineering, School of Biology-Oriented Science and Technology, Kinki University, Wakayama 649-6493, Japan
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Wataru Iwanaga,
Wataru Iwanaga
Kubota Corporation, Osaka 590-0823, Japan
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Hiroshi Miyazaki,
Hiroshi Miyazaki
Biomechanics Laboratory, Division of Mechanical Science, Department of Systems and Human Science, Graduate School of Engineering Science, Osaka University, Osaka 560-8531, Japan
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Kozaburo Hayashi
Kozaburo Hayashi
Biomechanics Laboratory, Division of Mechanical Science, Department of Systems and Human Science, Graduate School of Engineering Science, Osaka University, Osaka 560-8531, Japan
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Ei Yamamoto
Laboratory on Mechanical Behavior of Materials, Department of Mechanical Engineering, School of Biology-Oriented Science and Technology, Kinki University, Wakayama 649-6493, Japan
Wataru Iwanaga
Kubota Corporation, Osaka 590-0823, Japan
Hiroshi Miyazaki
Biomechanics Laboratory, Division of Mechanical Science, Department of Systems and Human Science, Graduate School of Engineering Science, Osaka University, Osaka 560-8531, Japan
Kozaburo Hayashi
Biomechanics Laboratory, Division of Mechanical Science, Department of Systems and Human Science, Graduate School of Engineering Science, Osaka University, Osaka 560-8531, Japan
Contributed by the Bioengineering Division for publication in the JOURNAL OF BIOMECHANICAL ENGINEERING. Manuscript received by the Bioengineering Division April 18, 2000; revised manuscript received August 16, 2001. Associate Editor: L. J. Soslowsky.
J Biomech Eng. Feb 2002, 124(1): 85-93 (9 pages)
Published Online: August 16, 2001
Article history
April 18, 2000
August 16, 2001
Yamamoto, E., Iwanaga, W., Miyazaki , H., and Hayashi, K. (August 16, 2001). "Effects of Static Stress on the Mechanical Properties of Cultured Collagen Fascicles From the Rabbit Patellar Tendon ." ASME. J Biomech Eng. February 2002; 124(1): 85–93.
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