It is 100 years since the well-known Mohr-Coulomb strength theory was established in 1900. A considerable amount of theoretical and experimental research on strength theory of materials under complex stress state was done in the 20th Century. This review article presents a survey of the advances in strength theory (yield criteria, failure criterion, etc) of materials (including metallic materials, rock, soil, concrete, ice, iron, polymers, energetic material, etc) under complex stress, discusses the relationship among various criteria, and gives a method of choosing a reasonable failure criterion for applications in research and engineering. Three series of strength theories, the unified yield criterion, the unified strength theory, and others are summarized. This review article contains 1163 references regarding the strength theories. This review also includes a brief discussion of the computational implementation of the strength theories and multi-axial fatigue.
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Review Articles
Advances in strength theories for materials under complex stress state in the 20th Century
Mao-hong Yu
Mao-hong Yu
School of Civil Engineering & Mechanics, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an, 710049, China;;
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Mao-hong Yu
School of Civil Engineering & Mechanics, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an, 710049, China;;
Appl. Mech. Rev. May 2002, 55(3): 169-218 (50 pages)
Published Online: June 10, 2002
Article history
June 10, 2002
Yu , M. (June 10, 2002). "Advances in strength theories for materials under complex stress state in the 20th Century ." ASME. Appl. Mech. Rev. May 2002; 55(3): 169–218.
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